Tuesday, April 1, 2008

a mountain of kitties

kendra gave me this idea.

they never stop
all day long they

they roll over each other
all in the corner of my dining room
they don’t do anything but pile on top of one another into a mountain
they never tire
they are self sustaining
they need not food or water
only climbing

i will make this an attraction
i will charge $4.71 for people to see it
people will come to see the flowing mountain of kitties
they will come from Uzbekistan
they will ask ‘where do the cats come from?’ in an accent i can barely understand
i will say ‘i don’t know’
they will take more pictures
then they will leave

after everyone has left i cover the mountain with a sheet
i am tired of looking at it
i go to sleep

the next morning i pull off the sheet and look to find that the mountain is gone
where did they go? i question myself

i hear a knock at the door
i open it
the tourists from Uzbekistan are standing at the door
they demand to see the mountain of kitties
i tell them that it is not there anymore

they become angry
i tell them i’m sorry
they do not want to hear it

a small girl from the group runs at me screaming
she is holding a knife
i don’t move
she runs me through with the blade
but i’m not bleeding
not blood anyways

the girl pulls out the knife
i hear meowing
suddenly a cat drops to the floor
i look around wondering where it came from
another cat drops to the floor

suddenly i look down to see that the cats
are coming out of my stomach
i am going to be sick
so that’s where the mountain of kitties went i thought

the tourists pull out their cameras and snap some photos.


Alicia P. said...

i like this. it is funny.

Mike z said...

"in an accent i can barely understand"

I like reading this line. But when I first read it I thought it said "in an accident i can barely understand," which is also good.

Anthony Joseph said...

thanks mike. i also liked this line.